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Stockholm - SWEDEN
8000 square foot facility with over 3200 square feet of raised floor data center space.
1.1 MW with redundant (A, B, C, D) UPS systems and diesel generator backup systems installed.
The facility is designed to provide maximum physical security. Due to its high level of security, the facility meets the rules for stringent insurance requirements. Shell protection and burglar alarms protect against unauthorized intrusions. The keycard system ensures access only by authorized personnel. The fire suppression system protects our customers business critical equipment. Everything is coordinated in an overall monitoring system.
Redundant cooling systems.
The data center is equipped with a HI-FOG fire suppression system.
- Sophisticated, highly sensitive, sampling detectors analyze the air.
- The system is activated by both smoking and flaming fires.
A fine deionized water mist of very small particles fills the room, which smothers fires without causing damage to equipment.
The floor in the data center is of calcium sulfate, which won’t ignite. Visitors to the data center will not be harmed if the system is activated.
Multiple 10Gbit fibers to Netnod, Ams-IX, LINX and global transit via Sprint, Telia International carrier, Global Crossing.