No Such Thing As Guaranteed Rankings

It’s Official – There’s No Such Thing As “Guaranteed” Rankings

As most people who know a thing or two about SEO have steadfastly maintained, there’s no such thing as guaranteed rankings, or perfect, ironclad SEO. Now, at long last, we’ve been given a bit of ammunition for our arguments, straight from Google. See, recently the search engine giant took SEO firm Local Lighthouse to court. Continue reading

August 2015’s Best SEO, Social Media, and Content Marketing

Sadly, this roundup comes alongside the end of summer. With colder months ahead, you’ll have plenty of time to catch up on your industry reading. This month we included articles looking at the fallout from Panda 4.2, why no one is reading your blogs posts (sad we know), and optimizing your tweets for search in the social media era. Here are the rest of the best SEO, content marketing, and social media articles from August.. If you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the year, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


Infinite Scroll & SEO: Do They Mix?

At a recent SEO training, I met a webmaster who excitedly told me that he was going to soon be implementing infinite scroll on his website.’s indefinitely scrolling articles immediately popped into my head and I told him that was awesome … and then I wondered why we don’t use infinite scroll on our own blog or site. Continue reading

Anatomy Of Rebranding

The Anatomy Of A Restructuring According To Google

By now, you’ve likely heard the news – after all, everyone’s been talking about it. Google’s been bitten by the reorganization bug and announced that it will operate under a parent company known as Alphabet. I know, I know, reorgs don’t exactly have the best reputation in the business world, and they’re often the result of a business that’s either seeking a way to revitalise or lacks any sort of meaningful direction. Continue reading

Advanced On Page SEO

Five Advanced On-Page Tactics Every SEO Professional Should Know

Advanced On Page SEOAlthough traditional search engine optimization doesn’t hold quite the same weight as it used to, that doesn’t mean it’s not worthwhile to school yourself in a few of the tactics generally associated with SEO. After all, even in the era of semantic search, older techniques can still help you rank – and understanding them can give you a greater understanding of the semantic web, besides.

At any rate, search engine optimization is just like any other field – you’re only as good as what you know. That’s where we come in. Today, we’re going to go over a few advanced, less-understood on-page techniques.

Let’s get started. Continue reading

July 2015’s Best Social Media, Content Marketing, and SEO

Panda 4.2 has arrived. Unsurprisingly, the Internet is still here. In case that doesn’t convince you, we found some posts that look at the impact of Google’s most recent update. So now that the hysteria is over, it’s time to get back to work making sure you sites rank well for all the keywords. As usual, we recommend a blend of social media, content marketing, and SEO to properly achieve your goals. To help, here are the best articles on those subjects  from July. If you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the year, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


How to Learn SEO: Choose Your Own Adventure Edition

“How can I learn SEO?” is a deceptively simple question. The standard approach is to attempt to appeal to anyone who’s interested in SEO without any idea of your previous experience or the actual reasons you want to learn SEO. That’s fun. Continue reading

Can No Longer Ignore Social SEO

Here’s Proof Positive That You Can No Longer Ignore Social SEO

You’ve probably been told on a few occasions that social media’s a pretty important component of content marketing – that social SEO is something that you as a content creator should understand. Maybe you paid attention to the advice, maybe you didn’t. Either way, research recently released by Pew has revealed that more Americans than ever are using Facebook and Twitter as their primary news source. Continue reading

June 2015’s Best Social Media, Content Marketing, and SEO

The recent Google “Phantom” update got the SEO industry into an uproar, which is hardly anything new. But if you’ve followed us and read this roundup for a while, you’ll know we believe that time spent worrying about Google is just wasted time. Focus on creating the best website possible with the most valuable content possible and Google will reward you in the rankings.

This is why we always implore you to work social media and content marketing into your SEO efforts to ensure the best achievable results. Check out the posts below to improve your inbound marketing efforts with this winning trifecta. Here’s the best from June. If you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the year, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. Continue reading

How To Tell If Penalized

How Can You Tell If You’re Getting Penalized For Bad SEO?

There was a time when a website’s content didn’t matter all that much. As long as the SEO expert responsible for marketing it played nice with Google’s algorithms, it ranked high. Those days, however, are now far behind us.

Today, Google’s way more selective about what sites it allows at the top of its rankings – and far harsher on the tactics it’s identified as underhanded. What that means is that if you engage in black hat SEO, you’re going to get penalized. If you let too much spam crop up on your site, you’re going to get penalized.

And if your site consists of low-quality, ‘thin’ content, you’re going to get penalized. Continue reading

Impossible To Predict Google Updates

Why It’s Functionally Impossible To Predict Google’s Next Update (And Why That Doesn’t Matter)

If you’re like most webmasters, you probably noticed something troubling at the beginning of last month – namely, that search engine rankings within your industry were all over the place. Some websites completely tanked, others rose straight to the top; worse still, it all happened seemingly without rhyme or reason. Not surprisingly, SEOs quickly went wild with speculation.

What was Google doing? Continue reading