ASEOHosting to Offer European Dedicated SEO Servers

Hudson, Florida, U.S.A., November 26, 2011 – ASEOHosting, an industry leader in providing quality SEO hosting services and domain registration to both the US and Europe, has announced that they now offer dedicated SEO servers for their European clients.

ASEOHosting has already been providing SEO hosting services for customers throughout Europe and those who prefer to host their websites on various GEO locations with different private name servers and Class C IP’s. They company has now expanded their European product and service offerings to include dedicated SEO servers. These servers allow clients to better manage larger networks as they are accompanied by a variety of Class C IP addresses from different nations.

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Changes to QDF Impact 35 Percent of Google Searches

Using an SEO hosting company that is up-to-date with the latest information is extremely important. As a case in point, Google recently announced that their new search algorithm will affect approximately 35 percent of all searches. This means that if your SEO hosting company does not accommodate for the changes, you may be losing out to your competition.

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ASEOHosting Expands Class C IP Hosting Space

Hudson, Florida, U.S.A., October 6, 2011 – ASEOHosting, an SEO web hosting company with servers in facilities located around the globe, has announced a major addition to their available IP allocation, bringing their total pool of Class C (commonly referred to as a “/24” in CIDR networking notation) IP blocks available for class C IP hosting to 310 in the United States and 150 in Europe.

Class C IP addresses are within the range of to, supporting 254 hosts on each of their 2 million networks. Class C IP hosting allows webmasters to host multiple websites across unique IP addresses, which helps to boost search engine optimization. These IP addresses have ultimately been issued by ARIN and RIPE.

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International SEO: does your IP address matter?

data center

Google says yes.  While some may question the advantage of multiple ip hosting in certain situations, in many circumstances, there is no room for questioning.  One such area is where internationalization is concerned.  

Are you surprised? Of course, many users choose multiple IP address hosting for networks of micro sites and any other number of reasons. International SEO does absolutely hinge on local IP address allocations, however. Not convinced?  Here it is directly from Matt Cutts (head of Google’s Web Spam Team).

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11 Ways to Defeat the Google Panda Update in a Blaze of Glory

Although it’s now well over six months since the infamous Google Panda Update that shook the SEO world to it’s core, many webmasters still have not regained their rankings. Now more than ever, the quality of on-page content matters. If your site(s) have lost their ranking due to the Google Panda update, there is hope.  Here are 11 things that you can start in on right now to rectify these issues.

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