Java Is A Security Risk: Here’s How To Deactivate It


The Problem

For those who aren’t aware, Java is a programming language that requires a piece of software called the Java Runtime Environment to be installed on machines that run Java code. Many people use Java to create applications that run in browsers, and to do so browsers need to have a plugin installed.

Unfortunately, over recent months there have been numerous security problems discovered in Java, some of which will allow malicious third parties to infect machines running Java with malware via the browser.

Java’s owners, Oracle, have been slow to issue patches that will fix the security vulnerabilities, and new zero-day exploits are being discovered with alarming frequency. Continue reading

SEO Is Not A One Shot Process


There exists a misconception among many business owners that SEO is a process that once done is done forever. This can lead businesses to fail to extract the maximum benefit from their online presence. If, in fact, search engine optimization should properly be thought of as a continuing process of refinement and adjustment, businesses may be missing out to competitors who have a more aggressive and nuanced approach.

We’re going to take a look at three major reasons why business owners should consider SEO as an ongoing part of their marketing and promotion.

First we should define our terms. In this article we are conceiving of SEO as not just optimizing for keywords and traditional link building. Since the Panda and Penguin updates, high-quality content has become the bedrock of effective SEO strategy. SEO and content marketing go hand-in-hand. Continue reading

What Can Google Wallet For Web Content Do For Bloggers


Monetizing can be a bit of a puzzler for bloggers. For those who blog for its own sake rather than for SEO or content marketing purposes, turning posts into money generally relies on an advertising model.

Advertising is how most commercially viable blogs fund themselves. Using AdSense, or some other third party advertising provider, they display advertising and hope to get a sufficient amount of clicks to generate a decent revenue.

Unfortunately click-through rates are pretty low, often as few as 1 in a 1000 visitors click, which means that even a very popular blog with visitors in the hundreds of thousands can fail to make a livable income from their work. Continue reading

Backing Up Your WordPress Site To Amazon

Cloud and tree

(Image: Adrian Limani)

There’s nothing more heartbreaking for a website owner than having put dozens or hundreds of hours of work into perfecting their WordPress site, only to have it trashed by hackers, hardware failure, or a simple administrative mistake.

WordPress is enormously popular, with good reason, but as with any complex software it’s susceptible to malicious individuals and user errors. Your WordPress database and other assets should always be backed up so that, in the event of a catastrophe, you can simply reinstall, import your data, and be back where you were before disaster struck.

Most decent hosting companies will keep a backup for you, but as the saying goes, if your data doesn’t exist in three places, it doesn’t exist at all. Having a backup available that you fully control can be very useful.

There are many services and extensions that will help you with backing-up, but we’re going to take a look at how to back up to Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3). Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best Of December 2012

As 2012 rolled to a close, the SEO and content marketing world was inundated with predictions and prognostications of what is to come in 2013. This month’s content curation round-up is going to include a lot of crystal ball gazing. It’ll be interesting to come back here in a year’s time and see who was right, who was wrong, and who was so wrong we can point and laugh at them.

SEO and Content Marketing

Essential Tools for SEO

During this session we’ve had some rather technical articles about SEO, so it’s time for a short breather. We’ll do this by taking a look at some of the tools that are useful for search engine optimization.

7 Ways to Resuscitate a Boring Links Post

I can’t tell you how many links posts I’ve seen that are more boring than watching paint dry. More often than not they seem like they’re just a lazy blogger’s solution for getting a post out there quickly so they can take the day off. They put 10 or so links on a page and call it a day. But a links post can actually be quite valuable when done properly because they’re bookmarkable content.

5 Trends Shaping SEO & Content Marketing in 2013

The Mayan calendar ended this month. Contrary to the “predictions,” it wasn’t the end of the world, just the end of Mayan content. To avoid having your company come up short on content, let’s take a quick look at the history of web content and trends for 2013.

Why Buying Backlinks Is Bad for SEO

In this special feature of ‘Ask Entrepreneur,’ Facebook fan Cake Apps asks: What about buying high PR backlinks, will it hurt the SEO? How will Google know that I am paying? This is an easy question to answer: Don’t buy links.

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Is Your WordPress Site’s Speed Affecting Search Rankings

Is Your WordPress Site's Speed Affecting Search Rankings - Image of a rocket


It’s a cliché to say we live in an age of impatience, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Internet users expect that the information they want will be delivered to them immediately, and research shows that they won’t wait around — bounce rates are proportional to page load times. The slower a page loads, the more users will click the back button and return to their search engine to choose the next link in the list, which is likely to be a competitor.

Google, in its effort to direct its users to the sites most likely to satisfy them, uses page load times as one of its signals for determining ranking. All else being equal, you could be losing ranking to a competitor because your site loads less swiftly.

There are various strategies site owners can implement to make sure that their users get the pages they want as quickly as possible, and we’re going to have a look at some of the most important ones here. Continue reading

Five SEO Strategies That Can Hurt Your Ranking


Google is secretive about its ranking algorithms. They are a complex mixture of over two hundred carefully weighted signals that contribute to deciding where on the search engine results pages a particular page appears.

People don’t like complexity and secrecy, especially when their income depends on the information that’s hidden. They yearn for quick and simple solutions, and so naturally there arises a group who will sell them spurious peace of mind. In our industry, that place is occupied by the bad SEO, who promises a quick-fix ride to the top of the SERPs, often employing many of the methods we’re about to discuss. No SEO worth his salt is going to rely on these techniques, or promise an easy and simple solution to the problem of ranking well.

These techniques might have been successful at one point, but are now either entirely useless, or will cause damage to a site’s ranking in the long term, either because they just don’t work to improve SEO, or because they result in a penalty from the search engines.

Much of the time Google will not impose a penalty on sites that indulge in these sorts of strategies, but they frequently disregard the links in question. For sites, that means they will have invested a lot of money in SEO that brings no benefit. Continue reading

Resource Round-up: The Best of SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Marketing This November

(Attrib:Flickr: h.koppdelaney)

As usual, this month we’ve trawled the wilds of the Internet to bring you what we think is the most informative, timely, and useful content. Enjoy!

Search Engine Optimization

  • Remarketing with Google Analytics – Building Targeted Audiences – Remarketing with Google has become more popular over the past six months and I think this is set to continue into 2013. Once you get the hang of it, it is relatively easy to set up and manage.
  • SEO Variables You Need To Know – Search engines use multiple variables to determine how good a website is and how relevant it is to a user’s search query.
  • Guide to Rich Snippets – Infographic – High rankings in the SERPS are no longer enough. Rich snippets are part of increasingly enhanced SERPs designed to help people make decisions before they click.
  • What’s the Difference Between SEO and Content Marketing? – The main reason creating content just for Google is missing the point is because that’s not what Google wants you to do.
  • Building a Video SEO Strategy – The core tactics of technical Video SEO are pretty easy to pick up. You can read through the bulk of what there is to know about getting rich snippets, optimizing for YouTube, and driving links back to your site within a couple of hours.
  • Should You Focus on SEO or PPC when You Launch a New Website – There are so many different ways to attract targeted traffic to your website, and it is often hard to know which method is best for you. Two of the most popular ways to drive traffic are SEO and PPC, but is one of these better than the other?
  • 9 Best WordPress SEO Plugins – A great roundup of plugins to help your site get to where it belongs in the SERPs. Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of Social Log-in Buttons

Facebook Social Login Button

(Attrib: Flickr/Rob Enslin)

When it comes to website design, speed and simplicity are key. It doesn’t take much for users to become confused or frustrated and abandon their intended action.

This applies particularly where user registration is concerned. Asking users to enter large amounts of data, or even minimal data in a confusing interface, can lead to users bouncing. For websites, that means lost conversions.

Social logins offer a method of drastically simplifying this process.

Social logins use existing social media network log-in data for a single sign-on process. The user simply chooses which network they would like to be associated with their new account, approves the login with their choice of social network, and that’s it (unless there is specific data that needs collecting). Social logins can drastically reduce the friction of the registration process. Continue reading

Should You Be Guest Blogging?

(Attrib: Flickr/opensourceway)

Guest blogging took off in a big way this year. It’s an increasingly popular way to spread brand awareness and an excellent adjunct to other inbound marketing strategies.

That said, the answer to the question in the headline is ‘No’. You should not be guest blogging.

That is, you shouldn’t be guest blogging if you think that any of the following are true:

  • Article banks are a great source of guest blog content.
  • Guest blogs don’t need to be of the same quality as the content on your own blog.
  • The same article, or a spun version, can be used for multiple blogs.
  • Guest blogging is a cheap way to get inbound links.

Take a look at this video from the estimable Matt Cutts if you’re curious why we have such a downer on guest blogging.

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