SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best Of June 2013

June brought the warm weather and also warmed up the old SEO vs. content marketing debate. Throw social media into the mix and you have a real quagmire. In that spirit, we’ve gathered up the best SEO, content marketing, and social media articles from June. After you’ve taken a moment to peruse our selections, let us know where you stand on the debate in the comment section below.


Keyword Research is now a Dirty Trick?keyword-research

Since the announcement of a new Penguin Update 2.0 some people are running scare and others are shouting, “Keywords?! I don’t even know what keywords are. I just write for my audience!” What makes you think using keywords is some sort of dirty trick? Google wants you to use keywords to guide them in cataloging your content. How else would they know where to put your stuff? Continue reading

My Go-To SEO Plugins For A New WordPress Install

34520894_2b55afad90Anyone who does a lot of WordPress installation and configuration will have developed a set of plugins that they install on every new site. We get to know the quirks and functions of our default set as well as we know the back of our hands. It’s a useful productivity habit.

I’m always happy to try out something new, but if you have a core selection of plugins, it’s easy to keep track of security issues and monitor the progress of development. It also allows me to construct a well-worn workflow so that WordPress installations can be completed quickly and efficiently.

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Penguin 2.0: SEO Lessons We Should Learn

Penguin 2.0 SEO damageA little over a year after its introduction, the Penguin algorithm was given a major update. As many have discovered, Penguin has had sweeping effects on the way Google deals with sites it considers to be trying to game the system with over-optimization.

Since Penguin first hit the servers, there have been two significant updates, both of which were largely tweaks or minor data refreshes. Penguin 4 brings a major update to the core algorithm and is expected to delve far deeper into sites in search of spammy tactics.

In case you’re confused by the versioning numbers. This is the 3rd revision of the Penguin web spam program, so we’re on Penguin 4. However, it’s the first major revision of the algorithm that underlies the Penguin program, so that’s being called Penguin 2.0. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best Of May 2013

The flowers arrived as expected in May, but so did a new Penguin update from Google. Now, more than ever, it’s important to make sure your SEO is being done the right way. In that spirit, we’ve gathered up the best SEO, content marketing, and social media articles from May. Take a moment to check out this informative and interesting content for some great suggestions.


Steady your SEO Ship with the Correct Anchor Distributionanchorman-pandawatch_528_poster-300x158

By the time the Panda and Penguin updates from Google had been rolled out the internet changed almost instantly, and although my niche sites suffered dramatically as a result (as did my income) the simple fact is that these changes were for the better.

Old SEO, Meet New SEO: How to Get Buy-in for Modern Marketing

Marketing moves fast. The SEO strategies that win today – creating high-quality content, focusing on the metrics that matter to clients and investing in digital PR – are often far different than what’s come before them. Next-level marketers and SEOs know what it takes to be successful today, but convincing the powers that be within a business or organization can be challenging. Continue reading

Breaking Business Silos For SEO Content Inspiration

Breaking Silos

image(Flickr/Peter Rosbjerg)

Traditionally, businesses have been broken into units, each of which has a particular area of expertise and responsibility. Public relations handled interactions with the media, marketing was responsible for getting the word out, and SEO for bringing in traffic by any means. Then there’s customer service, sales, administration, manufacturing, and so on. Each a little dukedom with feudal responsibility to its C-Level royal court.

SEO is changing; its role is blurring and stretching beyond the areas that used to be its core competencies: bringing in traffic by technical optimization of a site and link building. Now more properly referred to as inbound marketing, in an age where a web presence is central to any company’s revenue stream, and Google are cracking down hard on tactics they disapprove of, content has moved center stage. Continue reading

Google Improves Real-Time Analytics

Real Time Analytics

image(Flickr/Helga Weber)

Capturing real-time analytics is all the rage at the moment. Knowing exactly what’s going on at every moment is deemed an important part of site management. If you often find yourself wasting the hours away staring at Google Analytics as your site visitor numbers wax and wane, you’re probably over stressing yourself, too much information can be harmful as too little, but you’ll be pleased to know that Google has recently released a raft of improvements to their real-time features.

The productivity killing aspects of real-time data aside, it can, on occasion, be very useful to track exactly what’s happening on a site at a particular moment, rather than relying on aggregate data where useful information often falls between the cracks of statistical agglomeration. Continue reading

The SEO Benefits Of Long Form Content


As an industry, SEOs have absorbed the message that ‘short is sweet’. We know that the attention span of surfers is limited. They don’t tend to luxuriate in the written word, enjoying writing for writing’s sake. Instead they want short, informative, actionable content without the clutter of unnecessary verbosity. We’ve also fully taken on board the idea that content should be pitched at the lowest possible reading level, so as not to alienate potential readers and customers.

When done well, short, simple content is great. When done badly, it results in either content that is so thin it isn’t worth reading at all, or content that appears to be aimed at an audience who have just put aside their copy of Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes.

It’s become blogger lore that content should be written in this way; however, there are quite a few reasons, both from the perspective of SEO, and from the perspective of content marketing, that adding longer form content written for educated adults into the mix can actually bring some noticeable benefits to corporate blogs and websites. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best Of April 2013

April may bring May flowers, but it also brings a new crop of SEO, content marketing, and social media content that we are thrilled to share with you.  So, without further ado, here’s the most informative and interesting content that we came across during the last month.


What Programming Is Teaching Me About SEO and LifePortent

Even if you have zero interest in programming or SEO, I’m convinced you’re going to be glad you decided to read this blog post.  And to make it a total no-brainer for you, I’m offering a 100% money back guarantee.  Sound good?  Keep reading.

Unnatural Links Detection – How To Guide & Case Study

With the latest chit chat that Google is going to release the next version of Google Penguin soon, I think it is a good time to remember how you can easily detect unnatural links in your sites’ profile. This detection technique can to be used for any site, even if it did not receive a penalty or unnatural link warning. It is a good technique that you can use to understand and manage the risk that you might be exposed to when the next unnatural link update comes.

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SEO Hosting: Why Choose Multiple IP Web Hosting

image(Flickr/ Eric Fischer)

Search engine optimization is a broad field that employs a huge number of different strategies to help sites rank well in the SERPs. From producing awesome content to technical strategies like implementing caching to speed up a site, many web owners are familiar with the basic practices of SEO, but what they don’t consider is the potential benefit of using a specialist SEO host.

An SEO host provides everything that ordinary web hosting companies provides, but they offer an additional service that standard web hosts do not: multiple IP hosting. Multiple IP hosting depends on a company having control of a large block of so-called C-level IPs. Not all companies have control over a sufficiently wide variety of IPs over a sufficiently diverse geographical range to successfully offer the benefits of multiple IP hosting.

SEO hosting companies allow their clients to make use of the large set of IPs they control, and that has a number of significant SEO benefits. Continue reading

Five Common Small Business Content Marketing Problems And Their Solutions


Content marketing has always been with us. It has been called different things, but the creation of engaging content by brands has been a lynchpin of marketing for decades. In recent years, online marketers in particular have been forced by improvements to search engine algorithms, the ubiquity of social media, and users’ increasing immunity to traditional advertising methods to up their game in the content arena.

Many, however, remain to be convinced, seeing content marketing a passing fad or a distraction from the tried and true marketing and SEO tactics of the past. The naysayers have a variety of arguments that are frequently used to stymie content marketing advocates, and those advocates are faced with some real problems when implementing content marketing campaigns. We’re going to have a look at five of the most serious problems content marketers face and offer possible solutions.

We Can’t Produce Enough Content

I hear this a lot. Producing content in sufficient quantities to keep hungry search engines fed and social media followers engaged seems a daunting task. Continue reading