SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best Of August 2013

Is SEO dead? Is content marketing the new SEO? Is social media the glue that holds SEO and content marketing together? Regardless of the camp you’re in, we can all agree that some combination of SEO, content marketing, and social media will have a positive impact on your business. That’s why we’ve gathered up the best SEO, content marketing, and social media articles from August for your enjoyment. When you’ve finished reading, let us know your favorites in the comment section below.


Ad Preview Tool: Google’s tool that allows you to preview unbiased organic rankings and paid search ads per any given keyword and geography. Use for checking keyword rankings. When you search on you will see search results personalized to you so you need to use this tool to figure out how the first page on Google really looks like for the user.

The top 4 SEO practices will not only amaze you at how simple they are, but as for the future of the search engine optimization, these will be the biggest factors. While many of us in the search optimization industry debate back and forth about the radical changes from Google that be, it is a fact they are here and doing what they do nonetheless. Continue reading

Confused About Rel=Nofollow? Here’s What You Need To Know

image(Flickr/Les Chatfield)

image(Flickr/Les Chatfield)

Matt Cutts recently made another of the videos in which he answers questions from the webmaster and SEO communities. This video specifically dealt with the subject of whether “rel=nofollow” should be used with widgets and infographic links.

If one were to judge by the number of questions and confused statements on the subject of nofollow links, it would be a safe bet that Google’s message about what exactly should or should not be passing link juice is not clear to the vast majority of people. Continue reading

Do You Need To Switch Hosts To Work With An SEO Company?

For businesses new to the SEO world, the process of optimizing a site can be confusing. SEO is a technical process and for those without the necessary understanding, there is the potential for exploitation by unscrupulous practitioners. One of the questions that frequently arises is: “Do I need to switch hosts to work with an SEO company?”

The one word answer is “no,” and a slightly more expanded response would be “Definitely not, and if anyone tells you otherwise, exercise caution.” Continue reading

Is Keyword Anchor Text Killing Your SEO?

image(Flickr/Andrew Stawarz)

image(Flickr/Andrew Stawarz)

Since the release of Penguin 2.0, many sites have taken a dive in the SERPs. One of the causes of poor SERP performance is an excess of anchor text containing specific keywords.

Back in the old days, one of the main goals of link building was to cultivate as many incoming links as possible with anchor text that included keywords and key phrases relevant to a site’s SEO strategy. In recent years, Google has started paying a great deal of attention to the features of a naturally accrued link graph and penalizing sites with backlink profiles that show signs of being engineered by SEOs.

High quality sites tend to gather links with a diverse range of anchor text. Most linkers aren’t interested in contributing towards a site’s SEO strategy and won’t choose to include keywords in anchor text, instead using site, brand, or author names, topics, and a collection of generic nouns (“article”), verbs (“said”), adverbs (“here”), and so on. Continue reading

Increase Conversions With Minimalist On-Site Notification Bars

Let’s be honest with ourselves: pop-ups, pop-unders, intrusive Flash advertising, and content-obscuring modal dialogues all suck, both from an aesthetic perspective and for site users.

In modern web design, the trend is towards elegance and simplicity; providing awesome content that’s pleasant to consume is the order of the day. But, we have to make money, and that’s what intrusive advertising is supposed to achieve. The web is growing up, and part of its developing maturity is that serious sites that want to make money from content – particularly bloggers – are tying to look less like the flyers we find under our windshield wipers advertising quack remedies in garish colors and fonts, and more like credible publications.

A key driver in this trend is the growing prevalence of mobile. What’s annoying on full-size screens is a deal-killer on the small screens of mobile devices. Mobile first design is largely responsible for motivating the move to simpler pages. Because screen real-estate is scarce, subtle integration of promotional material that doesn’t detract from the overall experience is essential.

When aesthetic requirements and technological trends clash with opportunities for revenue generation, a fertile ground for innovation is opened up. One of the solutions that has arisen to maintain both elegance and the prominent display of calls-to-action takes the form of minimalist, non-intrusive, but very noticeable message bars. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best Of July 2013

Love & Marriage. Peanut Butter & Jelly. SEO & Content Marketing (or SEO & Social Media)??? These days, the letters SEO are usually followed by one of two pairs of words. Like other great combinations from history, it seems that you can’t have one without the other. In that spirit, we’ve gathered up the best SEO, content marketing, and social media articles from July for your enjoyment. When you’ve finished reading, let us know your favorites in the comment section below.


10 Effective Tips on Ways to Use Search Engine Optimization for Your E-Commerce Siteeffective-SEO-300x193

1. Compile an In-depth Keyword Research ReportCentering around your business products, services, brand, industry and demographics of your targeted customers, you’ll have to pick specific long tail keyword search terms and keyword phrases and test them on something like Google Keyword Tools to ascertain the estimated traffic and competitiveness for each keyword phrase.

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ASEOHosting Clarifies International SEO Advantage Of Using Country Code Top-Level Domains

Hudson, FL, July 30, 2013 – ASEOHosting, a leading provider of SEO hosting and multiple IP hosting, commented today on the confusion surrounding the use of country code top-level domains for international SEO. SEO experts at the company observed a number of misunderstandings surrounding best practices for the use of ccTLDs and have released a statement to clarify the advantages that they can bring to businesses targeting specific geographical locations with their international search engine optimization.

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Why Should I Use SEO Hosting?



When people hear about SEO hosting, a common query is “Why should I use SEO hosting; surely I can optimize my site for search with any hosting company.” That’s completely right, but SEO hosting has a specific place in the SEO strategist’s tool box. In this article, we’d like to clear up some of the confusion around SEO hosting and help you develop an understanding of what it is and why you might need it.

What Is SEO Hosting?

The defining feature of SEO hosting companies is the number of IP addresses they have available for their clients to use. If you keep abreast of the news in the web hosting space, you’ll be aware that IPv4 numbers are hard to come by. When IPv4 was developed, there was no comprehension of the huge number of devices that would eventually be connected to the Internet. There aren’t enough IP addresses to go around, and so hosting companies often don’t have anywhere near enough to cover all their clients. Continue reading

Structure Corporate Blog Guest Posts Like A Pro

Structuring Corporate Guest Posts

Guest posting and corporate blogging have become an essential part of SEO and inbound marketing. If you’ve not written blog posts regularly, it can seem like a straightforward exercise, but when you’re looking at a blank page and a pile of notes, it’s not quite so simple to pull it together into a effective SEO package that is maximally sharable and readable for the intended audience.

We’re going to have a look at a few actionable tips and techniques for structuring a blog post to help marketers and SEOs create great content. We’ll be drawing a few lessons from journalists, who are masters at conveying information concisely and succinctly, but we’ll be modifying that advice to make it more applicable for SEOs and marketers generally.

We’re going to assume that you’re on top of the research, have your market personas in order, and know what you want to say, but just need a little help organizing and structuring it on the page.

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Why Does Web Hosting Cost Money?

Why Does Web Hosting Cost MoneyWeb hosting can range in cost from free to pennies a month to hundreds or even thousands of dollars. If you’re contemplating setting up a website, you may wonder exactly what you get for your money. The services that web hosting companies offer vary, but all of them share a basic set of costs that enable them to get your site up and running on the net. We’re going to have a look at those costs and think about how free web hosting and very cheap web hosting companies pay for them.

The Costs


For a company to offer web hosting, they need servers. Servers are usually high-power computers that are capable of processing lots of data and delivering it to web clients. Your average home computer can do much the same thing at a less efficient level, but hosting companies need specialist hardware that has lots of RAM, disk space, and processing power.

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