Easier Reputation Management With Google’s New Reviews For Business

200915795_801b42a1fc_zLife was simpler for businesses even just a decade ago. Of course, reputation was as crucial for a company then as it is now, but in the intervening years the way that customers and clients interact with business has changed radically. No business can please one hundred percent of their customers, but, whereas back in the day that might have meant a complaint, some bad word-of-mouth, or at the worst a letter to the media, in a world where everyone with a grudge and an internet connection can make themselves heard by millions, every business has to take reputation management seriously. Continue reading

Get 20% Off SEO Hosting Packages With Our Black Friday Promo Code

To help you kick off the holiday season with a bang, we’re offering 20% off our popular SEO hosting packages with the promotional code: ASEO20-OFF.

While many hosting companies will be dropping their prices for Black Friday, very few of them are able to provide the SEO benefits that come with being an ASEOHosting client. Only we can offer such an extensive range of Class C IP blocks. Each ASEOHosting shared hosting package is able to make use of up to 550 dedicated IP addresses, helping your sites stand out from the crowd.

Unsure of the benefits of multiple IP hosting? Let me explain how having access to such a huge number of IPs can help your business kick it in the SERPs both in your home market and internationally. Continue reading

Optimize Your Site Architecture For Improved SEO And Conversions

7766685692_ca62cbfd55_zHowever beautiful your site and however compelling your content, all of that effort is wasted if users hit the homepage and can’t figure out where to go from there. Poorly conceived site architecture is responsible for increasing bounce rates and lowering conversion rates. And, if you think that you have trouble with shoddy site architecture, spare a thought for poor Googlebot, which is nowhere near as smart as the average user and is tasked with making sense of it all. Continue reading

Sourcing Blog Images From Flickr? Here’s What You Need To Know.

7888385676_9fcb734d3c_zSince Marissa Mayer took over at Yahoo!, many of its properties have been revamped. Flickr is no exception. It now has a much nicer interface – it’s actually a pleasure to browse through the millions of images hosted on the site looking for inspiration or a picture to add a bit of visual sparkle to a blog post. Changes to the limitations imposed on photographers for storing their images has attracted back many who abandoned the service in favor of competitors, which means more images are being added to the site’s servers than over the last few years.

Images have been proven to help with user engagement, which has SEO benefits and greatly aids with social media exposure, but, treasure trove though Flickr may be, there are a few gotchas that bloggers – particularly business bloggers – need to be aware of before they start snagging images to enliven their posts. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of October 2013

Did you spend all month working on your Halloween costume? If so, we hope you were rewarded with vast amounts of candy last night. Knowing that your attention may have been focused on your preparations, we’ve gathered up the best SEO, content marketing, and social media articles from October for your convenience. If you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the month, don’t forget to check in with us at Twitter, Facebook.


Have you heard about Google’s 15th birthday present to itself? Last week, the world’s undisputed search giant rolled out an all-new search algorithm, dubbed Hummingbird because “it’s fast and light.” The name is a dramatic departure from the P-theme of their prior Panda and Penguin updates, but the company’s search chief Amit Singhal reports that Google Hummingbird is the biggest rewrite since 2001. Continue reading

Customer Support With Social Media: How Not To Do it

socialAuthenticity is everything; If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.

The above quote is a paraphrasing of a line sometimes attributed to Groucho Marx, and sometimes to others. It’s an important lesson for businesses to keep in mind when they are interacting with their customers online.

Many would say that it’s authenticity itself that matters, but anyone who has used the Internet for longer than five minutes knows that one does not have to be truly authentic to have a positive effect. Although, if a business can manage to be authentic, sincere, and genuine in its communications with its customers, so much the better. Continue reading

ASEOHosting Advises Webmasters Not To Put Too Much Faith In Public PageRank Data

Hudson, FL, October 22, 2013 – ASEOHosting, a provider of premium multiple IP hosting, has commented on the risks of relying on publicly available PageRank measurements as a metric for determining the efficacy of search engine optimization campaigns. The company, which offers industry-leading SEO-focused web hosting, is concerned that its clients and the wider web development and search engine optimization communities are privileging PageRank measurements compared to other data, which can be detrimental to their efforts to achieve higher ranking on search engine results pages. Continue reading

Google Overhauls Its Algorithms: Hummingbird Explained

image(Flickr/Dawn Ellner)

image(Flickr/Dawn Ellner)

Two of the biggest SEO news stories of recent years concerned the Penguin and Panda updates to Google’s algorithms, which were aimed at improving search engine results by combating spammy black hat techniques and returning higher quality results at the top of the SERPs. While these changes had a huge impact on SEO, they were just tweaks and modifications of Google’s existing algorithms. It appears that Hummingbird, which was silently implemented a few weeks ago, is a much more technically significant, perhaps the most thoroughgoing update since Caffeine in 2010 or even since the algorithms were significantly rewritten by Amit Singhal in 2001.

Hummingbird is estimated to affect 90% of search engine results and is likened by Search Engine Land’s Danny Sullivan to a complete replacement of the engine of search. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of September 2013

Last month, at the beginning of the roundup, we asked, “Is SEO dead?” After September’s “Keyword Not Provided” announcement, we’re willing to bet that more people are worried the answer to this question is “Yes.”

The truth is, it’s just as sensationalist a question as it was a month ago. As always, the SEO industry will react and adapt. In the meantime, it wouldn’t hurt to put a renewed focus on your content marketing and social media efforts.

To help you on your way, we’ve gathered up the best SEO, content marketing, and social media articles from August. If you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the month, don’t forget to check in with us at Twitter, Facebook.


What Google’s Latest Panda Update Means for Your SEOpanda3

When Google’s so-called Panda update dropped in 2011, it turned the world of search on its head: quality, not keywords, would dominate from here on out and content would be king. Now Google has updated its algorithms again—call it Panda 2.0—and every marketer and small business needs to adapt once more. Continue reading

ASEOHosting Introduces SEO Hosting With Multiple Class A IP Addresses

Hudson, FL, September 3rd, 2013 – ASEOHosting, a leading provider of multiple IP hosting, has announced the creation of new SEO hosting packages that allow clients to take advantage of multiple Class A IP addresses per hosting account. The new packages are in addition to ASEOHosting’s existing multiple Class C hosting packages.

ASEOHosting is at the forefront of the SEO hosting industry, and the provision of multiple Class A addresses gives their clients a considerable SEO advantage when compared to clients of competing hosting companies. Most web hosts require that clients who need several different Class A IPs create a new hosting account for each, and even in that case, different Class A IPs are not guaranteed. ASEOHosting’s new packages allow each hosting account to use up to 20 different Class A IP addresses.

Google and the other search engines will typically discount the value of inbound links that originate from sites on the same IP address. Multiple IP hosting helps to overcome this limitation by allowing clients to have their sites served from several different Class A IP addresses. Class A IP addresses have the advantage of being completely unique, further decreasing the odds of being detected by the search engines when hosting several related websites on the same server.

Having access to a wide range of Class A IPs is also an important part of both international and local SEO. The ability to use a diverse set of IP addresses can significantly improve the SEO of sites targeted to specific geographic locations.

“The availability of SEO hosting packages that provide access to numerous Class A IP addresses offers a considerable advantage to clients who are serious about international and local SEO ,” commented ASEOHosting’s Vice President of Customer Relations, Daniel Page,“ Maximizing exposure by tailoring sites to meet the requirements of diverse markets will help businesses to increase their search engine traffic and their revenue.”

In addition to multiple Class A IP addresses, ASEOHosting’s new SEO hosting packages provide all the other advantages that their clients have come to expect, including committed round-the-clock support, private name servers for each domain, easy-to-use account configuration with cPanel, and one-click CMS installation with Softaculous.


About ASEOHosting:

ASEOHosting is the leader in providing all types of SEO Hosting, including Shared SEO Hosting, Dedicated SEO Hosting, US Dedicated SEO Servers, and EU Dedicated SEO Servers, based in Orlando, FL, Detroit, MI, and Charlotte, NC, owned and operated by Ahosting, Inc., supplying hosting services that are truly beyond imagination. Since 2002, ASEOHosting has established one of the web’s premier solutions for reseller web hosting, multiple IP hosting, dedicated servers, and VPS hosting. For more information, visit https://www.aseohosting.com.