Google+ and SEO: What You Need to Know

6076488268_9816a320bb_oSince its introduction in 2011, Google+ has been hailed as a ‘Facebook-killer,’ “the biggest change in communications since the interactive website,” as well as a ghost town and a ‘complete failure.’ Whatever your thoughts on Google+ on a personal level, with 540 million active users monthly, you can’t afford to ignore its ramifications on your SEO.

Google’s Changing Strategy

In years past, Google was committed to bringing you the best search results, regardless of who owned those results. As the company has expanded beyond search, Google has increasingly promoted their own Web properties in search results. Nowhere is that change so obvious as Google+. Much more than simply another social network, Google+ has become an increasingly integral part of Google’s overall strategy, including how search results are ranked. Continue reading

Why You Should Never, Ever Spin An Article

Writing ToolsWriting can be pretty rough work, and putting together a piece of quality content that’s both properly search-optimized and valuable to the reader can be a very tall order.  Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could simply take a single good piece of content and turn it into a hundred pieces or more without having to put in any extra effort? Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of having to pay a hundred writers, you could simply pay one and sell the same piece a hundred times?

Actually, that’s entirely possible – and completely inadvisable. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of January 2014

NORTHERN LIGHTS2014 is off to an explosive start. Brands blew up social media feeds during the Super Bowl, and Matt Cutts laid down the law on guest blogging, a topic which we have already addressed in a previous post. Don’t worry though, it’s not all gloom and doom. SEO has always been a constantly evolving business, and those who succeed employ a variety of tactics that include guest blogging, social media, and content marketing. To help you out, we gathered some of the best articles on these subjects from January. Enjoy, and if you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the month, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook.


International SEO Strategy Advice To Start 2014 With A Bang

Well, it’s the beginning of yet another year and we’ve seen plenty of changes in the SEO world throughout 2013 including Penguin and Panda updates, the domain crowding release, the rise and rise of mobile search and, very recently, the announcement from Yandex of the removal of links from its algorithm.

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Bold SEO Predictions for 2014

2014The only constant in search is change. Every time you think you have Google figured out, they switch it up again. The search engine giant kept the SEO world guessing in 2013 by changing their algorithm over five hundred times, a trend that will most likely continue this year. It’s important to stay a step ahead, so in that spirit, here are five bold SEO predictions moving forward in 2014.

Conversational Search via Natural Language Processing

In 2013, Google made most keyword data private, a move that many saw as a declaration of war on keywords. As of this writing, the dreaded “Not Provided” is at a return rate of 82%, with that number expect to rise to 100% by June. The message is clear: spamming website content with keywords will no longer work. Search Engine Optimizers should continue to move away from focusing on search queries and instead create high quality content that is written to attract the attention of conversational search. Continue reading

ASEOHosting Introduces Many New Country-Code Top Level Domains

Hudson, FL, January 29, 2014 – ASEOHosting, a provider of premium multiple IP hosting, has announced the availability of several new country-code top-level domains to its clients. The new ccTLDs will be an invaluable addition for webmasters seeking to increase their exposure in international markets and broaden the link diversity of their site portfolios.

Among the new ccTLDs are Austria(.at), Portugal(.pt), Macedonia(.mk), Lithuania(.lt), Hungary(.hu), Poland(.pl), Switzerland(.ch), Greece(.gr), Belgium(.bg), and the Czech Republic(.cz). Continue reading

Rap Genius vs. Google: What Really Happened?

8699405964_450c45a0d9_bIn the continuing saga of big companies implementing SEO strategies that get them a spanking, Rap Genius has had its SERP positions wiped out by Google.

Rap Genius is a lyrics site that allows its users to comment on lyrics, explaining and analyzing their meaning. The lyrics industry is a cutthroat niche, with a large number of sites fighting it out for the top SERP positions. Among its competitors, Rap Genius is a standout for the quality of the site and the insightful commentaries, but apparently the company’s owners decided that wasn’t good enough, and implemented a link building strategy that even a neophyte SEO could have told them wasn’t wise. Continue reading

Matt Cutts Comes Down Hard On Guest Blogging

In an uncharacteristically forthright blog post, Matt Cutts, head honcho of Google’s webspam team, lashed out at the practice of guest blogging. Apparently infuriated by what is probably the millionth automated spam email from low-grade online marketers offering to produce content for his blog, Cutts seems ready to go to war with guest bloggers.

“Okay, I’m calling it: if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links in 2014, you should probably stop. Why? Because over time it’s become a more and more spammy practice, and if you’re doing a lot of guest blogging then you’re hanging out with really bad company.”

If you haven’t already, you should check out the post to understand the nuance of his position. Of course, a backlash is already well underway, with many apparently having missed that nuance. Continue reading

5 Basic SEO Mistakes That Webmasters Continue to Make

2959253587_05102df8df_oDisclaimer: The opinions expressed by the guest blogger are theirs alone and do not reflect the opinions of ASEOHosting.

Are you not getting the volume of search traffic that you feel you should or could be getting? There might be some very simple reasons why.

According to Google engineer Matt Cutts, there are some basic SEO mistakes that many webmasters make. Here are those mistakes along with some suggestions to fix or avoid them. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of December 2013

2013 was a confusing year. It was the year that content marketing became the new SEO. Wait, but it was the year that social media became the new SEO. No, it was the year that SEO died.

See what we’re saying? Regardless of the noise, as always, we continue to reiterate that for online success, you are going to have to employ a strategy that effectively uses all three of these elements. SEO, social media, and content marketing should be the breakfast, lunch, and dinner of your 2014.

In that spirit, we gathered some of the best articles from December to get you on your way moving into the New Year. Enjoy, and if you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the month, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook.


SEO Changed Forever In 2013. How To Adjust And Thrive In 2014

If there’s ever been any question that SEO marketers need to put user needs first, 2013 was the year the search engines made it clear. Nearly every innovation in search — algorithm updates like Google Hummingbird, SERP enhancements, social integrations — was aimed at creating a better experience for the searcher.

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SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of November 2013

The last few months, it seems like people have spent a lot of time trying to define SEO’s new role in this Google altered landscape of Hummingbird and “Keyword Not Provided.” This month, the conversation has moved to defining content marketing’s new role.

Content marketing may or may not be the new journalism or the new SEO, but regardless of its definition, it is an exceedingly important strategy to promote your online business. Bring in social media and SEO and you have the winning trifecta.

That’s why we gather up the best SEO, content marketing, and social media articles each month for your convenience. Here are our favorites from November. Enjoy, and if you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the month, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook.


5 Ways to Write Quality Content That is SEO FriendlyAbusing-seo-Keyword

Although Google’s search engine algorithms are shrouded in mystery, they are widely accepted as a barometer for gauging the importance of your content on the internet. As a result, a cottage industry has developed that is focused on gaming the rankings to receive favorable placement. However more often than not, “black-hat” SEO tactics do not work. What works is creating quality content that is useful to your reader. Below are five methods for writing content that will do well in search engine rankings. Continue reading