SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of July 2014

fireworks 2014As the summer draws to a close, we know that you don’t want to spend all your time searching searching the Internet high and wide for the best articles. That’s why we gather up each month’s highlights from the worlds of social media, content marketing, and SEO for your convenience. Here’s our favorites from July.  If you’re looking for the same great content in between roundups, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


Panda Pummels Press Release Websites: The Road to Recovery

Many of us in the search industry were caught off guard by the release of Panda 4.0. It had become common knowledge that Panda was essentially “baked into” the algorithm now several times a month, so a pronounced refresh was a surprise.

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Optimization Digital Storefront

What Role Does Optimization Play In Creating A Digital Storefront?

Optimization Digital StorefrontA survey carried out back in 2010 found that 97% of consumers research online before purchasing at a brick-and-mortar store. I’ll admit, the world has changed a bit since then.  There’s more of a focus on digital shopping than ever before, and the number of channels through which consumers research their purchases has expanded considerably. Users now look not only to search engines and digital storefronts, but also to social media and promotional emails.

On the surface, one might think that this makes an online storefront somewhat less important than it was in the past. Continue reading

Google Acquires MDialog

What Google’s Acquisition of MDialog Means For YouTube Marketing

Google Acquires MDialogFor those of you who haven’t already heard, Google in late June acquired mDialog – a video advertising firm that specializes in helping large media companies measure and deliver video content to a wide range of connected devices. The implications of this purchase seem to be quite clear. Google’s looking beyond the PC to other platforms; it’s hoping to expand its large marketing arm to smartphones, tablets, and video game consoles.

That isn’t all Google’s looking to do – there’s a bit more to this purchase. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of June 2014

lazy readingWe know everyone is trying to get out of the office early to start their July 4th weekends, so we won’t waste too much of your time getting to the roundup. If you’re new to this, each month we gather up the best articles from the worlds of social media, content marketing, and SEO for your convenience. Here’s our favorites from June. Feel free to enjoy them on the beach or by the pool, and if you’re looking for the same great content in between roundups, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook


Your Google Algorithm Cheat Sheet: Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird

If you’re reading the Moz blog, then you probably have a decent understanding of Google and its algorithm changes. However, there is probably a good percentage of the Moz audience that is still confused about the effects that Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird can have on your site.

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How To: Non-Invasive Ads

How To Integrate Non-Invasive Advertising Into Your Website

How To: Non-Invasive AdsIt’s no secret that online marketing has been suffering in recent years.  The use of ad blockers is on the rise, fueled primarily by poor advertising practices. That’s bad news for webmasters who draw most of their revenue from advertising partnerships – and even worse news for marketers.

“The majority of feedback from readers is that they block because of the nuisance of ads,” Destructoid founder Niero Gonzalez told Forbes in 2013, after finding out that over half of his visitors used ad-blocking software. “People are fed up with ads that expand and blow up in their face. If I wasn’t in the publishing industry, I would definitely use it.” Continue reading

Website Navigation

Five Tips For Making Your Site More Navigable

Website NavigationI’ve said it before, and it bears mentioning again: search engine optimization has changed. Back in its early days, when the Internet was still in its infancy, SEO was all about manipulating search algorithms; it was all about nailing down the most successful ranking tactics. Content was often a secondary concern.

In other words, the early days of SEO were about the engine rather than the user.

That’s no longer the case. With every update to its algorithms, Google’s making its search engine a little bit smarter and a little bit more capable of determining what a user will find interesting. On top of that, social media comprises a huge chunk of most web traffic – if someone finds a page interesting, they’re probably going to share it with their friends over Reddit, Facebook, or Twitter. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of May 2014

chopping woodIn last month’s roundup we declared that it had been a calm month in the world of SEO, that “there were no major Matt Cutts declarations or Google updates that sent the industry scrambling.” Then, about two weeks ago, Mr. Cutts fired off this tweet, “Google is rolling out our Panda 4.0 update starting today.” So that was pretty major. However, the Panda updated wasn’t the only news in May, so we’ve rounded up the best of the rest from the worlds of social media, content marketing and SEO for your convenience. Enjoy, and if you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the month, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook.


A Prioritized Web Development & Site Migration SEO Checklist

My friend and ex-colleague Modestos Siotos has written an authoritative piece on site migration over on the Moz blog and there’s no way I even want to go anywhere near improving on that.

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Debunking SEO Myths

Debunking The Ten Most Common Myths About SEO

Debunking SEO MythsLike any field with a technical aspect, search engine optimization plays host to a wide range of different misconceptions, half-truths, and falsehoods.  With digital marketing in particular, this problem is exacerbated by the fluid and rapidly-changing nature of both search and the Internet itself. What held true last year might not necessarily be valid next year; this year’s tactics could end up obsolete with a single update to Google’s algorithms.

These tall tales – and there are many of them – range in veracity from “somewhat true” to “less grounded than the flat-Earth theory.” Perpetuated by well-meaning, misinformed journalists; underhanded snake soil salesmen, and unknowing laymen; the myths collected here all share one thing in common: they can be universally damaging to one’s efforts online. Don’t buy into them. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of April 2014

This pashowersst month seemed fairly calm from an SEO point of view. There were no major Matt Cutts declarations or Google updates that sent the industry scrambling. In the world of social media and content marketing, LinkedIn continues to assert itself as a force to be reckoned with while Google+ remains a source of much confusion. There were a lot of great articles in April, and we’ve rounded up the best to help you get the most out of your business. Enjoy, and if you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the month, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook.


5 Steps to Set Up a Stellar SEO Strategy

Whether you’re in charge of executing an SEO strategy for a highly established website or a brand new domain, possessing the ability to understand the current business situation, along with seeing future challenges and opportunities, is critical when crafting a sustainable plan of attack.

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