Optimizing Demand vs Leads

Optimizing For Demand vs Optimizing For Leads: What’s The Difference?

In the world of content marketing, there’s a longtime misunderstanding even greater than the mislabeling of big data. I’m talking about demand generation and lead generation – two terms which are all too often used interchangeably. The truth is that they’re two very different approaches to content creation – and using the wrong one can mean a whole lot of wasted effort on your part.

Perhaps we shouldn’t get too far ahead of ourselves. Let’s start with an explanation of the difference between demand generation and lead generation. That’ll help us explain why the two are so often mixed up with one another, in addition to giving us a springboard into a discussion on optimization. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of November 2014

snowman penguinSince our last roundup, we’ve eaten a lot of turkey, watched a lot of football, and spent some valuable time with the family. Now that Thanksgiving is in the rear view mirror, it’s time for online businesses to get their houses in order for the upcoming holiday season as well for a new year.

Based on Forrester research from last month, Facebook may not be the best place to focus your efforts, but we’ve found a number of posts that should get you going in the right direction. These are the most relevant articles from the fields of SEO, content marketing, and social media in November. Enjoy! If you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the year, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook


How to Perform the Ultimate Local SEO Audit

Every business that competes in a local market and who competes for the display of localized results in SERPs will likely find the need to conduct a local SEO audit at some point. Continue reading

Optimizing Drupal For Google

Optimizing Drupal For Google Search

Optimizing Drupal For GoogleNote: This guide assumes at least a basic knowledge of Drupal, including module installation. If you run into trouble, read through the Drupal Tutorial.

It may not be as popular as WordPress, but you’ll nevertheless find plenty of website owners who swear religiously by Drupal. It’s not hard to see why, really. There’s a lot to love about it.

It’s an incredibly secure platform and frequently updated besides. Drupal’s also easy to customize, with a bevy of both free and premium plugins available to webmasters and an intuitive web interface that makes it ideally suited to manage a large volume of content. Last but certainly not least, it’s extremely powerful from an SEO standpoint. Continue reading

Local Search Engine Marketing

Five Steps You Need To Take For Local Search Engine Marketing

Local Search Engine MarketingWe’re going to start today’s piece off with a few statistics: One third of mobile searches have local intent – meaning 66% of people searching on smartphones and cell phones are looking to purchase something in their immediate area(one-fifth on PCs). Fifty percent of those searches lead the user to visit a retail outlet (34% on desktops/laptops/tablets).

How about a few more statistics? Overall, 74% of Internet users search with local intent. 61% of local searches directly result in a purchase. More than 100 million people a month use Google Maps to find local business information.

Suddenly, local search seems a whole lot more important, doesn’t it? Continue reading

Lesser Known SEO Mistakes

Five Lesser-Known SEO Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Lesser Known SEO MistakesSearch engine optimization can be pretty complicated – especially if you’re new to it. While it’s nowhere near as difficult and technical as some ‘experts’ and ‘gurus’ would have you believe, the learning curve can still be fairly steep. Truth be told, there’s a very good chance that – unless you’re some sort of seasoned expert yourself – you’ve made a bunch of mistakes optimizing your website.

Don’t get too bummed out about that, though. After all, making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn, right?  The first step, of course, is knowing that you messed up in the first place.

To that end, here are a few of the lesser-known mistakes many webmasters tend to make when optimizing their site. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of October 2014

halloween readingYou gotta give Google credit. They certainly have timing. In the weeks leading up to Halloween, they decided to roll out Penguin 3.0, which certainly gave a fright to those who practice less than savory SEO techniques. These kind of updates to the Google algorithm are yet another reminder that successful SEO is the result of hard work and engaging a variety of strategies to drive traffic to your site. In that spirit, we’ve rounded up the most relevant articles from the fields of SEO, content marketing, and social media to help your business develop a winning inbound marketing plan. These are the best we found in October. If you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the year, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


Google’s Penguin is Flapping Again – But What About the Much-Feared Guest Post Penalty?

The long awaited and widely anticipated Penguin 3.0 update from Google is finally here. It’s nearly finished rolling out as I write.

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SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of September 2014

LOOKING AHEADIf there’s one thing the SEO industry is obsessed with, it’s the future. Whether reacting to Google algorithm updates or integrating the newest techniques, SEO is all about moving forward and staying relevant. In that spirit, we like to collect the most interesting and relevant articles from the fields of SEO, content marketing, and social media each month to help you and your business stay ahead of the curve. Here are the ones that stuck out to us in September and October. If you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the year, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


Google: More First Page URLs In Search Results Are HTTPS Relative To The URLs On The Web

At Search Marketing Expo East, Google’s Gary Illyes presented on an HTTPS panel and shared some very interesting data and history on Google’s HTTPS ranking signal.

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Link Juice

How Important Is Link Juice To Modern Site Optimization?

Link JuiceThe Old Days Of Link Building

There was a time not too long ago when link building was one of the most vital components of search engine optimization. The more links a website received, the higher it ranked. As time went on, Google tweaked and updated its link ranking algorithms. Link building became as much about quality as it was about quantity.

It didn’t take long for the SEO community to coin a new term in order to describe the process by which a link valued (or devalued, as it were) a page. Link Juice, as it’s known, became a common phrase in any discussion of Search Engine Optimization. The idea was that whenever a page linked to another, some of that page’s ‘value’ would transfer to the target. Continue reading

SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best of August 2014

i am creativeEach month, we like to collect the most interesting and relevant articles from the fields of SEO, content marketing, and social media. This time around Google dominated the news cycle with their two announcements, one regarding HTTPS and the other marking the end of Google authorship. Mixed in among these major news items, we’ve also included a number of well-written and informative industry posts that caught our eye in August.  If you’re looking for the same great content the rest of the year, don’t forget to check in with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


A Real World Negative SEO Case Study

Yesterday, someone explicitly threatened to launch a negative SEO attack against our website. Unless we pay a sum of money in the next 24 hours, our backlink profile will be flooded with toxic links.

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SEO Secrets

Five Must-Know SEO Secrets (That You Probably Don’t Know)

SEO SecretsBy now, you’ve already had it drilled into your head on a regular basis – search engine optimization is about as far from dead as possible. Although it’s certainly more content-oriented now than in the past, its importance to one’s success on the web literally cannot be understated. If your site isn’t properly optimized, it’s not going to rank. If it doesn’t rank, users don’t find it. And if users don’t find it, well… You probably shouldn’t quit your day job. Continue reading