SEO, Content Marketing, and Social Media: The Best Of August 2013

Is SEO dead? Is content marketing the new SEO? Is social media the glue that holds SEO and content marketing together? Regardless of the camp you’re in, we can all agree that some combination of SEO, content marketing, and social media will have a positive impact on your business. That’s why we’ve gathered up the best SEO, content marketing, and social media articles from August for your enjoyment. When you’ve finished reading, let us know your favorites in the comment section below.


Ad Preview Tool: Google’s tool that allows you to preview unbiased organic rankings and paid search ads per any given keyword and geography. Use for checking keyword rankings. When you search on you will see search results personalized to you so you need to use this tool to figure out how the first page on Google really looks like for the user.

The top 4 SEO practices will not only amaze you at how simple they are, but as for the future of the search engine optimization, these will be the biggest factors. While many of us in the search optimization industry debate back and forth about the radical changes from Google that be, it is a fact they are here and doing what they do nonetheless.

Give Your Sales Team Leverage by Integrating SEO and Social in Their Strategiesseo bible

Any business that hopes to sell products and services needs skilled sales representatives who can bring the merchandise to the customers’ attention and encourage them to make a final purchase. Before, sales reps used to pitch personally to consumers in the malls, over the phone, and even at the doorstep of their very prospects.

SEO, Content and Social Media are so tightly wound together these days that business owners and marketers need to grab every little advantage they can to wring the most out of their efforts in each area.

4 Really Important Search Smoke Signals For Local SEOseo-smoke-signals-factors

If you’ve been working with Search Engine Optimization for the past couple of years, you know that local, geo-targeted search results have only increased, almost across the board. If you search for “car insurance” or other seemingly universal search terms, you will come across listings that are geographically closer to where you are (as in, your physical location) even without search modifiers.

If you follow developments in SEO, you’ll know that Google is clamping down on unnatural links in a big way. We think it’s a good thing. Fewer unnatural links inevitably means a focus on relevant, useful links: ones readers find useful. Some of our clients are understandably confused.

11 Essential SEO and Analytics Apps for the iPhone

If you’ve ever been a SEO or Internet Marketing Consultant, you probably recall the Dark Ages of Technology when you were literally chained to your computer desk. While laptops and tablets offered more freedom to roam, we were still restricted to an extent. Then, the iPhone came along.

The Benefit of a Social Media SEO Strategypenguinupdate

With Google’s new Penguin update, the world of SEO is facing a paradigm shift. For years now, a Google search would bring up a laughable percentage of organic results with the rest being ads and irrelevant content. In the history of search engine optimization the rank of a piece of content in search engine results has typically come down to relevancy and authority.

Content Marketing

A Complete Guide to Comment Marketing: What, Why and How?pencils

Anyone can comment on a blog post. But that doesn’t mean comment marketing is simple. Most Internet marketers treat commenting primarily as a link building tactic (spamming, basically) and don’t really give it a fair shake as a real marketing tactic.

3 Keys for a Successful Content Marketing Campaign

Online marketing and SEO used to be all about banner ads, paid link building, e-mail campaigns, and pay-per-click. Although those things are still used, to be truly relevant to today’s consumer, you must add strategic content marketing in the SEO space to the mix.

5 Ways to Repurpose Existing Blog Posts

You won’t be blogging long before you realize writing regular content takes a lot of regular work—but when you feel like throwing in the towel, don’t. Figure out how to blog more efficiently instead. Consider these five ways to make the most of your blogging efforts by repurposing your existing posts!

As content marketing continues to rule the lands, more and more businesses are looking for ways to publish articles and other forms of valuable content for their website visitors. Content is important for the obvious reason of giving your visitors interesting content to read and share, but more importantly for the lead generation value it brings to the organization.

Social Media

The Complete Guide for Finding and Sharing Better Content on Social Media

Our biggest aim at Buffer is to help you share content on social media in better ways. I wanted to look at ways we can help you with this entire process, from finding the content to sharing it, to analyzing your social media posts. So I’ve uncovered some cool ways to do these things that you might not already know.

#Bueller? #Bueller? #Bueller? Are You Responding To Customer Service Requests On Social Media?ferris_bueller_quotes_teacher1

As Ferris Bueller said “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” And if you are not paying attention to your customers use of social media get customers service issues resolved, then you could be caught with your corporate pants down!

The New SEO – Social Media Management Plays a Larger Role

Social media is playing a much larger, essential role in search results for your brand. Succeeding at the game of SEO is no longer about the most number of votes your sites get (as in “whoever has the most back-links wins”), but rather a complex mix of ingredients that includes social media, specific back-links, and a careful use of H1 tags, among others.

Facebook Posts’ Lifetime.. Even Shorter Than You Thought!post.progress.wisemetrics

At Wisemetrics, we have been gathering a huge amount of social media data for over a year and thought it was time to share some insights we are getting from it. This post is part of a Data Science short blog posts series we hope you will find interesting.

We’ll finish up this month’s roundup with Matt Cutts answering the question, “Is page speed a more important factor for mobile sites?”

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