Google Becomes a Graphing Calculator

As a clever addition, Google’s Inside Search blog announced last week that the search engine would now function like a graphing calculator when entering functions like you would on your old TI.

woa colors!

This follows anther recent announcement that Google Algorithm updates would also be re-hashed on this wonderful blog that’s kept by the Google Search Team.  While a welcome change of pace from Panda and Caffeine update notes, the ability to instantly graph functions falls right in-line with a mission that Google has talked about since their inception:  to eventually make search engine results so smart that you only get one answer; the one you wanted.

In the meantime, any Google user obviously knows that we still have a very long way to go in making all search queries this smart, even if it is the end intent, and SEO’s certainly need not be threatened.  In the words of Bruce Clay at this year’s SES Chicago:  “How many tools appear when you search for the word hammer?  Besides MC Hammer, not one.”

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