Google Announces their new Facebook Competitor: Google+

As Google continues to move into social media, it seems impossible for search engine optimization professionals to look the other way.  Following last month’s announcement of the Google +1 button, the company’s intents to reclaim their share of web activity from social sites like Twitter and Facebook are clearer than ever.  Behold, the coming tide of Google+.

Now, just a month back, Google CEO Eric Schmidt stated very bluntly that he “screwed up” where social media is concerned to date.  Looking at what have been largely viewed as failed ventures (at least, in what many would expect from Google), such as Orkut and Buzz, and it would be tough for most to argue with Mr. Schmidt.

Google’s change of tone and new, more humble approach the the technology does paint a more optimistic tone for the search engine giant.  It would appear, that Google is centering their push into social media still around what they do best- search.  New tools like Google’s social search have now come to light, in what I believe will be the first of many shots at glaring vulnerabilities in other networks.  Even though this is ultimately a push into social media, it comes with several new integrations to search, and that’s why this time, it is going to matter quite a lot really matter.

Further supporting this effort, we can see just how poor of a job that other social networks currently do in this area.  It was now ages ago that Facebook removed any type of “advanced search” functionality from their web site, and even today, countless other supplemental sites are still needed for practices such as “job search” (speaking to the success of LinkedIn).  Surely, if Google+ has any chance of success, it will be for this search engine to actually approach social networking as a search engine, and that is something that no one utilizing aseohosting’s SEO hosting services can afford to ignore.

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